Fitness Resources
Whether you or a client you're advising is new to exercise or already a fitness buff, DMA provides these and other useful resources and videos to help you master your health and manage diabetes safely and effectively for exercise and physical activity of all types.
To access links to other resources, please visit our sister website, Diabetes Motion. It gives additional access to recommended books (like Diabetes & Keeping Fit for Dummies), (The Athlete's Guide to Diabetes), apps, fitness materials, and much more.
Here are some of the Diabetes Motion Academy quick and easy-to-follow illustrated guides to basic exercises of different types (all of which are essential for most people). They are available in PDF format.
Access the following:
Resistance exercises (upper/lower body, core)
Basic core exercises (10 basic ones to get you started on just body core strength)
10 Easy Exercises to Build a Strong Core Without Leaving the House (Ch. 21 Excerpt, Diabetes & Keeping Fit for Dummies)​
Flexibility exercises (major muscle groups)
Balance exercises (simple exercises to keep everyone over 40 years old on their feet)